Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

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March 2021 - Volume 20, Issue 1
Table of Contents
Research article
Effect of Mindfulness Training on Fatigue and Recovery in Elite Volleyball Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Follow-Up Study
Danilo R. Coimbra, Guilherme G. Bevilacqua, Fabiano S. Pereira, Alexandro Andrade
2021, 20(1), 1-8 DOI:

Research article
Influence of the Coach’s Method and Leadership Profile on the Positive Development of Young Players in Team Sports
Luis Rogério de Albuquerque, Eduardo Mendonça Scheeren, Gislaine Cristina Vagetti, Valdomiro de Oliveira
2021, 20(1), 9-16 DOI:

Research article
Acute and Prolonged Effects of Stretching on Shear Modulus of the Pectoralis Minor Muscle
Jun Umehara, Masatoshi Nakamura, Junya Saeki, Hiroki Tanaka, Ko Yanase, Kosuke Fujita, Momoko Yamagata, Noriaki Ichihashi
2021, 20(1), 17-25 DOI:

Research article
A Mixed-Method Approach of Pre-Cooling Enhances High-Intensity Running Performance in the Heat
Minxiao Xu, Zhaozhao Wu, Yanan Dong, Chaoyi Qu, Yaoduo Xu, Fei Qin, Zhongwei Wang, George P. Nassis, Jiexiu Zhao
2021, 20(1), 26-34 DOI:

Research article
Stay True to Your Workout: Does Repeated Physical Testing Boost Exercise Attendance? A One-Year Follow-Up Study
Christina Gjestvang, Trine Stensrud, Gøran Paulsen, Lene A. H. Haakstad
2021, 20(1), 35-44 DOI:

Research article
Short-Term Perceptually Regulated Interval-Walk Training in Hypoxia and Normoxia in Overweight-to-Obese Adults
Liam Hobbins, Steve Hunter, Nadia Gaoua, Olivier Girard
2021, 20(1), 45-51 DOI:

Case report
Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum in an Adolescent Soccer Player
Akinori Kobayakawa, Hideki Hiraiwa, Shinya Ishizuka, Satoshi Yamashita, Hiroki Oba, Yusuke Kawamura, Takefumi Sakaguchi, Masaru Idota, Takahiro Haga, Takafumi Mizuno, Itaru Kawashima, Kanae Kuriyama, Shiro Imagama
2021, 20(1), 52-55 DOI:

Research article
Electromyographic Comparison of Five Lower-Limb Muscles between Single- and Multi-Joint Exercises among Trained Men
Nicolay Stien, Atle Hole Saeterbakken, Vidar Andersen
2021, 20(1), 56-61 DOI:

Research article
The Acute and Prolonged Effects of Different Durations of Foam Rolling on Range of Motion, Muscle Stiffness, and Muscle Strength
Masatoshi Nakamura, Remi Onuma, Ryosuke Kiyono, Koki Yasaka, Shigeru Sato, Kaoru Yahata, Taizan Fukaya, Andreas Konrad
2021, 20(1), 62-68 DOI:

Research article
Head Cooling Prior to Exercise in the Heat Does Not Improve Cognitive Performance
Nur Shakila Mazalan, Grant Justin Landers, Karen Elizabeth Wallman, Ullrich Ecker
2021, 20(1), 69-76 DOI:

Research article
Effects of Physical Activity and Counselling Interventions on Health Outcomes among Working Women in Shanghai
Hongying Wang, Tao Zhang, Miaomiao Lu, YuXuan Zeng, Yi Xiao, Xiaoling Ren, Pei Zhang
2021, 20(1), 77-85 DOI:

Research article
Guided Active Play Promotes Physical Activity and Improves Fundamental Motor Skills for School-Aged Children
Asal Moghaddaszadeh, Angelo N. Belcastro
2021, 20(1), 86-93 DOI:

Research article
The Association of Baseball Pitch Delivery and Kinematic Sequence on Stresses at the Shoulder and Elbow Joints
Donna Moxley Scarborough, Nicholas K. Leonard, Lucas W. Mayer, Luke S. Oh, Eric M. Berkson
2021, 20(1), 94-100 DOI:

Research article
Minimal Agreement between Internal and External Training Load Metrics across a 2-wk Training Microcycle in Elite Squash
Carl James, Aishwar Dhawan, Timothy Jones, Christopher Pok, Vincent Yeo, Olivier Girard
2021, 20(1), 101-109 DOI:

Review article
What Actually Differs between Traditional Teaching and Sport Education in Students’ Learning Outcomes? A Critical Systematic Review
Cristiana Bessa, Peter Hastie, Ana Ramos, Isabel Mesquita
2021, 20(1), 110-125 DOI:

Research article
The Accuracy of a Low-Cost GPS System during Football-Specific Movements
Emiel Schulze, Ross Julian, Sabrina Skorski
2021, 20(1), 126-132 DOI:

Research article
Effects of Chair-Based, Low–Load Elastic Band Resistance Training on Functional Fitness and Metabolic Biomarkers in Older Women
Marko D.M. Stojanović, Mladen J. Mikić, Zoran Milošević, Jovan Vuković, Tatjana Jezdimirović, Vlatko Vučetić
2021, 20(1), 133-141 DOI:

Research article
Quantifying the Activity Profile of Female Beach Volleyball Tournament Match-Play
Phillip M. Bellinger, Timothy Newans, Mitchell Whalen, Clare Minahan
2021, 20(1), 142-148 DOI:

Research article
Reliability and Validity of the Polar V800 Sports Watch for Estimating Vertical Jump Height
Manuel V. Garnacho-Castaño, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Noemí Serra-Payá, José L. Maté-Muñoz, Josep López-Xarbau, Moisés Vila-Blanch
2021, 20(1), 149-157 DOI:

Research article
Attacking Key Performance Indicators in Soccer: Current Practice and Perceptions from the Elite to Youth Academy Level
Mat Herold, Matthias Kempe, Pascal Bauer, Tim Meyer
2021, 20(1), 158-169 DOI:

Research article
Maximal Fat Oxidation: Comparison between Treadmill, Elliptical and Rowing Exercises
Michelle Filipovic, Stephanie Munten, Karl-Heinz Herzig, Dominique D. Gagnon
2021, 20(1), 170-178 DOI:

Letter to editor
Test-Retest Reliability of a Visual-Cognitive Technology (BlazePod™) to Measure Response Time
Levy A. de-Oliveira, Matheus V. Matos, Iohanna G. S. Fernandes, Diêgo A. Nascimento, Marzo E. da Silva-Grigoletto
2021, 20(1), 179-180 DOI:

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